

noun cock·le \ˈkä-kəl\

Definition of COCKLE

:  any of several weedy plants of the pink family; especially :  corn cockle

Origin of COCKLE

Middle English, from Old English coccel
First Known Use: before 12th century

Other Seed Plant Terms

aubergine, box, bramble, briar, composite, perpetual, pulse, trefoil

Rhymes with COCKLE



Definition of COCKLE

:  any of various chiefly marine bivalve mollusks (family Cardiidae) having a shell with convex radially ribbed valves; especially :  a common edible European bivalve (Cerastoderma edule syn. Cardium edule)

Origin of COCKLE

Middle English cokille, from Middle French coquille shell, modification of Latin conchylia, plural of conchylium, from Greek konchylion, from konchē conch
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Food Terms

Reuben, calamari, chuck, curry, edamame, foie gras, hummus, leaven, nonpareil, peel



Definition of COCKLE

cockle verb

Origin of COCKLE

Middle English kokell, ultimately from Middle French coquillé wavy or rounded like a shell, from coquille
First Known Use: 15th century
COCKLE[1] Defined for Kids


noun cock·le \ˈkä-kəl\

Definition of COCKLE for Kids

:  an edible shellfish with a shell that has two parts and is shaped like a heart


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